
Teacher Feature: Welcome Back Rosalind!

By Heather Close
2 min read | February 3, 2022

We’re so excited to welcome Rosalind Davis back to the studio! We had a little chat with her to ask what she’s been up to and what she has planned to make you all SWEAT in her new Sunday 10am Ballet Beats spot.

Here is what she had to say:

Q: How are you feeling about being back, what kind of playlist can we expect and which exercises are you most excited to teach again?

A: “I’m so excited to be back! To be in the beautiful studio, with music and movement and most importantly the energy of the class! My playlist is ALL high energy dance (Whitney, Dua Lipa, the Weekend, etc.) perhaps a reflection of how I feel coming back with a touch of compensation for my sleep deprived state. I’m most excited for the cardio tracks that get the heart pumping. So, I’ve got jacks and high knees throughout to get us and keep us sweating (of course, with options for those that don’t share my enthusiasm for intense cardio)! I’m also really looking forward to the 5-minute core track — rebuilding my core from pregnancy is still a work in progress but the progress feels good.”

Q: Tell us a cute fact about your little fam?

A: “With the addition of Matilda, we now have three generations under one roof. My mum lives with us and while she can’t physically pick Matilda up and dance, they have a nursery rhyme jam together almost everyday.”

Q: What has your go to stay home activity been?

A: “My stay at home activity seems to be laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. On the fun side, as of late, jolly jumper dance parties are a daily event. Nothing sweeter than watching your little one jump to the beat.”

Q: Favourite show you’ve watched over the pandemic?

A: “Umm… not sure I have a favourite show. But I have been enjoying the Freakonomics podcasts. It’s a nice escape from baby talk.”

Join Rosalind on Sundays at 10am for an AMAZING Ballet Beats workout. CLICK HERE to sign up.