
Call and Response – Artistic Director’s Message

By kanderson
2 min read | January 8, 2025

We call and respond all the time. We are doing it right now. I’m calling to you with these words, and you are reading and responding.

We use it in conversation:
How are you?

In anything democratic:
All those in favour say yea!

In sports:
Let’s go sports team let’s go!

In church:
Can I get an Amen?

Did you read those words and respond? Did you think:
Clap, Clap

How hard did you have to think about it? My guess is not very. This automatic response is something that happens to me, and, I’d guess, all the artists on stage when we hear jazz music. We simply respond, with our bodies and spirits and voices.

I first heard Marla Dixon sing and play her horn at the Spotted Cat Club in New Orleans in May of 2024 and I responded. Without question, there is exceptional music in every nook and cranny of that city. This is nothing new. Jazz was born there, and although that land and its people have experienced horrors of many kinds, there is a joyous spirit that exists and lives so deeply in their culture, it is palpable. I heard a lot of incredible music on that trip, but on that hot day in May, Marla called, and I couldn’t ignore my response. About a month later I called her and proposed this project and aren’t we lucky she responded with yes.

And here we are. Who are we? On this stage you will see and hear a particular group of artists; jazz called, and we answered. Jazz seems to do that; this music touches, changes, inspires and unites folks across the globe. And although only one person on this stage was born anywhere close to New Orleans, we are here responding with our bodies, spirits and voices. I hope you will too.

Can I get an Amen?

Kimberley Cooper
Artistic Director