Artistic Director’s Message – Old/New/Borrowed/Blue
Welcome! We are so happy to be part of One Yellow Rabbit’s excellent High Performance Rodeo again! Please also check out our co-presentation of Ephemeral Artifacts: Travis Knights from Feb 2–4. The Rodeo is always a fantastic spectacle, don’t miss it!
But tonight…
This is not a wedding show, but dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to celebrate life!
OLD – With this performance, I wanted to support Alberta artists, and to satisfy long-time fans of DJD who always ask: “When are you going to do Vicki’s red shoe piece again?” And so, the dance piece whose real name is Every Tap Show Needs a Soft Shoe, is back on the stage in all its glory!
NEW – Sarisa was an integral part of DJD for many years and I was thrilled when she accepted the invitation to create a new piece. I also wanted to give Sabrina, who has been dancing with DJD for 8 seasons, a chance to create something new. The show has recorded music, but I asked Sarisa and Sabrina to choose composers from Alberta to work with. Sarisa asked Rubim de Toledo to create music for her new piece called Habanera. Sabrina asked Luis Tovar to create something with the feeling of a storm, and to include the sound of steel pan drum for a unique Caribbean flare.
BORROWED – I was struck by Marie France’s take of Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring when I saw it last season. It is not jazz, but I dig the musicality and the drama, and many great jazz musicians have been inspired by this music. Marie’s original cast was larger than the DJD company, so we invited 4 of the original dancers to join us.
BLUE – The “blue” parts are by me, created with a sense of whimsy and fun, because not all blues ache in the same way. I also included a couple of pieces from my recent repertoire to fill out the evening. I hope you enjoy the show!
Happy New Year!
Kimberley Cooper